Internship and thesis proposals

Criteria for selection
To find the right proposal !

Number of proposals
Deep learning of scale free processes

Statistical physics
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
In the statistical physics context many problems of interest, related to critical phenomena are associated to fractal structures. This problem is notoriously difficult with standard ML. Taking the percolation problem as a study case the task will consist to regress from images of percolation states the size of the maximal cluster and whether it is a spanning cluster via new ML algorithms. A second and related task would be to consider different 2D conformal field theory, characterized by some fractal exponents ot their central charge.
Sergio Chibbaro
Laboratory : LISN -
Team : Decipher/TAU
Team Website
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Fabrication and characterization of gradient soft solids

Soft matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The aim of this project is to establish the link between fabrication protocols and mechanical gradients, in model soft solids. The fabrication method will rely on layering, a technique at the basis of 3D printing, and the characterization on micromechanics experiments, which allow for the visualization of materials displacements in the three spatial directions. Beyond opening new ways to design and control soft solids, this project will have far-reaching fundamental implications in the fields of multiphasic materials, 3D printing, and polymer physics.
Nicolas Bain
Laboratory : ILM - UMR5306
Team : Liquides et Interfaces
Team Website
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Deciphering mechanical homeostasis with FEM

Soft matter
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
In this project, we will conduct Finite Elements Simulations of local contractions inside homogeneous materials, and evaluate how stresses propagate as a function of material properties. We will use the software COMSOL, and put emphasis on understanding the link between material nonlinear properties and stress propagation. The results will be directly compared with ongoing experimental results.
Nicolas Bain
Laboratory : ILM - UMR5306
Team : Liquides et Interfaces
Team Website
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The hidden mechanics of soft gels

Soft matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Gels constitute a large portion of the materials around us: body tissues, food products, but also industrial glues and seals. At first glance, they are mechanically similar to other elastic materials. If you take a piece of gelatin, for instance, you can deform it by a small amount and it will return to its original shape. If you look closer, however, gels have a complex molecular structure. They are made of a crosslinked polymeric network swollen by a liquid solvent. As a consequence, their mechanical behavior is dictated by the coupling between the elastic deformations of the polymeric network and the flow of the solvent. For simplicity, they are often modeled as incompressible solids, and these models are then used to estimate, for instance, adhesion forces of cells living on soft tissues. Whether they truly behave as incompressible solids, however, is both difficult to asses and crucial for an accurate modeling. In this project, we will take a deep dive into gel mechanics. You will exploit recently collected experimental data, which tracks the 3D displacement of the polymeric network inside a silicone gel, to understand in which circumstances a gel can be modeled as an incompressible solid. This will involve numerically analyzing of the displacement of tens of thousands of tracers, and rationalizing the results within the framework of continuum mechanics. The results will be directly compared with existing numerical predictions.
Nicolas Bain
Laboratory : ILM - UMR5306
Team : Liquides et Interfaces
Team Website
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Surface tension vs elasticity gradient

Soft matter
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
In this project, we will conduct Finite Elements Simulations of soft materials with a surface topography, surface stresses, and a gradient of surface elasticity. We will use the software COMSOL, and put emphasis on understanding the effect of elasticity gradient on surface mechanics. The results will be directly compared with existing experimental results
Nicolas Bain
Laboratory : ILM - UMR5306
Team : Liquides et Interfaces
Team Website
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Macroscopic friction of fibrous assemblies

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The objective of the internship is to study numerically the stability of heaps of entangled fibres under gravity, and investigate the impact of microscopic quantities (length and natural curvature of the fibres, friction between fibres) on the limit angle attainable with static macroscopic heaps. These numerical experiments will in particular help identify the relevant non-dimensional microscopic parameters which control the macroscopic static friction of the medium.
Laboratory : INRIA Grenoble -
Team : ELAN
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Numerical modelling of granular avalanches through a forest of deformable pillars

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
This projet proposes to investigate the downslope flow of a granular material through a forest of flexible fibres in an inclined plane geometry, and study how the elasticity of the fibres, as well as the frictional interactions between the grains and the fibres, can impact the granular flow. It focuses on numerical modelling and simulations using the Discrete Element Method coupled with non-smooth contact solvers developed in the team. The numerical study will be supported by experimental measurements in the context of a collaboration with the FAST lab.
Laboratory : INRIA Grenoble -
Team : ELAN
Team Website
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Locomotion in granular media

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Physics of living systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Many living species thrive in granular environments, such as sand. Navigating through these granular terrains poses significant challenges, as these materials are heterogeneous, highly dissipative, and exhibit complex mechanical responses. As a result, animals serve as a remarkable source of bioinspiration for developing efficient strategies to move in such environments. At the FAST laboratory, we experimentally investigate the various strategies employed by animals to traverse sandy substrates, assessing their effectiveness and robustness. To this end, we develop bio-inspired robots and active systems, studying their behavior within a model granular environment. The goal of these experiments is to understand the underlying physics governing the interactions between moving objects and granular materials. If you are interested in animal locomotion, the mechanics of granular materials, or robot design and control, please contact us.
Baptiste Darbois Texier

Laboratory : FAST - UMR 7608
Team : Fast : Granulaires et Suspensions
Team Website
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Multiscale temporal nonlinear optical response of a biased crystal

Condensed matter
Non-linear optics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Merging nonlinear optics and quantum hydrodynamics, quantum fluids of light have gained great interest in the past few years. Indeed, in properly engineered experimental optical devices, photons can acquire an effective mass and be in a fully controlled effective interaction. Merging nonlinear optics and quantum hydrodynamics, quantum fluids of light have gained great interest in the past few years. Indeed, in properly engineered experimental optical devices, photons can acquire an effective mass and be in a fully controlled effective interaction. They behave collectively as a quantum fluid, and share remarkable common features with other systems such as superfluidity and quantum turbulence. Quantum fluids of light have been investigated mainly in one and two dimensions in various photonic platforms. A major challenge in the field of quantum fluids of light is to increase its dimensions. An interesting strategy [2] is to consider ultrashort pulses rather than continuous propagation and combine both the instantaneous electronic Kerr effect with the slow photorefractive nonlinear effect [3]. [1] C. Michel et al, Nat. Commun. 9, 2108 (2018) [2] P.-\'E. Larr\'e et al, PRA 92, 043802 (2015) [3] O. Lahav et al, PRX 7, 041051 (2017)
Claire Michel
Laboratory : INPHYNI - UMR7010
Team : Waves in Complex Systems
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Friction and elasticity of folded polymer films

Soft matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Thin elastic sheets or wires easily fold when deposited on substrates. The relaxation of these folds or wrinkles depend on the ability of the sheet to slide on the substrate, while the elastic energy stored in the folds or wrinkles promotes the relaxation of the shape. Hence, such problems interestingly couple elasticity to frictional and sliding behaviors in thin elastic sheets. The internship aims at exploring several aspects : How does the interplay between film deformation and friction affect the development of buckling instabilities and fold trapping? What is the contribution of film roughness and polymer viscoelasticity? To answer to these questions, we will carry out experiments in which a viscoelastic polymer strip is laid at imposed vertical velocity on a glass plate while the development of buckling instabilities and friction at the rough contact area at the glass/strip interface are continuously monitored. Based on these observations, we will seek to develop a physical description of the role of friction in the formation and trapping of wrinkles in relation to the mechanical and roughness properties of the polymer film.
Laboratory : SIMM - ESPCI - UMR7615
Team : Sciences et Ingénierie de la Matière Molle
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Non-linear response theory in self-gravitating systems

Statistical physics
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Gravity is a long-range interaction. As a result, stellar systems are generically (i) inhomogeneous (stars follow intricate orbits), (ii) self-gravitating (stars self-consistenly define the gravitational potential), (iii) resonant (orbits introduce orbital frequencies). In the limit of small perturbations, the efficiency with which a stellar system responds to stimuli is described by linear response theory, a successful framework to predict (linear) modes. Yet, as a stellar systems nears an instability, amplification gets so large that fluctuations are no longer small. This is the realm of non-linear response theory, whose analytical description is much more challenging. This internship focuses on exploring non-linear response theory in stellar systems. For that purpose, we will investigate the "periodic cube", an enlightening self-gravitating toy model. We will explore the dependence of the level of thermal fluctuations, as one lowers the system's dynamical temperature. We will use stochastic methods from renormalisation theory, originating from plasma physics, to predict the associated levels of perturbations. Ultimately, this program of research will offer new clues on non-linear self-gravitating processes, such as mode saturation and statistical correlation functions.
Jean-Baptiste Fouvry
Laboratory : IAP - UMR7095
Team : Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
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Patterns generated by erosion by dissolution

Soft matter
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Erosion by dissolution plays a significant role in area covered by a soluble mineral like in Karst regions and is the cause of the formation of remarkable patterns (limestone pavements, scallops, dissolution channels, dissolution pinnacles, limestone forests…) with characteristic length scales. We propose in this internship, by the mean of controlled laboratory experiments, to study the morphogenesis of dissolution patterns. The soluble media and the hydrodynamic flows will be tuned to downscale the characteristic size and time of the involved processes from geological values to “laboratory” values. Thanks to quantitative measurements of the flow and of the topography of eroded surfaces, we will identify the driving elementary physical mechanisms and thus develop mathematical models and numerical simulations, with the aim to explain complex geological systems and to predict the long term evolution of landscapes. In this internship, the student will develop in the group, one or several model experiments, reproducing dissolution erosion phenomena. To decrease the timescales, fast dissolving materials like salt and plaster will be used. Hydrodynamic properties of the flows will be characterized and the 3D shape evolution of eroded surfaces will be recorded.
Michael Berhanu
01 57 27 62 58

Laboratory : MSC - UMR 7057
Team : MSC: Dynamique des Systèmes Hors Equilibres.
Team Website
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Est-ce que les effets de marées impactent la masse des étoiles ?
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
La compréhension du scénario global de la formation des étoiles reste l'une des questions ouvertes les plus difficiles en astrophysique. Dans ce stage, nous chercherons à faire un pas en avant vers la compréhension de la Fonction de Masse Initiale (IMF) des étoiles, et de son apparente universalité. Deux études numériques récentes (Lee & Hennebelle 2018b, Colman & Teyssier 2020) ont mis en évidence le rôle des interactions de marée entre les futures étoiles (appelées noyaux pré-stellaires) dans la détermination de la valeur du pic apparemment universel de l'IMF. Cependant, leurs résultats, et notamment l'interprétation actuelle du champ de marée empêchant la formation des structures dans un certain domaine autour de la future étoile, ont été récemment remises en cause par une étude analytique (Dumond & Chabrier, subm. à A&A). Cependant, comme toutes les études analytiques, leurs résultats dépendent d'hypothèses fortes sur les propriétés de la structure (dont l'homogénéité statistique) et sont basés sur une approche globale pour déterminer sa stabilité (théorème du viriel tensoriel). Il est donc primordial de confronter cette théorie à des expériences numériques afin de tester et d'étendre les résultats analytiques à des cas plus réalistes. Compte tenu de l'impact des résultats attendus, nous estimons que le stage débouchera probablement sur une publication dans une revue à comité de lecture.
Jérémy Fensch
Laboratory : CRAL - UMR 5574
Team : AstroENS
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Dissipation and Decoherence in a Quantum System

Condensed matter
Quantum Machines
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
Description What happens to the ground state of a quantum system when we add dissipation? How is the lifetime of excited states affected by dissipation? How is quantum coherence destroyed by dissipation? The student will measure the lifetime and coherence of a bad qubit: a Josephson junction shunted by an on-chip resistance and embedded in a superconducting microwave cavity. The student is expected to aid in the design of devices using microwave simulation software; fabricate samples in a clean room using techniques such as microlithography and electron beam evaporation; cool samples using a cryogen free dilution cryostat; and make sensitive microwave measurements at low temperatures
Çağlar Girit
Laboratory : SPEC - UMR 3680
Team : Quantronics
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The Capillarytron for benchmarking AI-based inference of the mechanics of tissue morphogenesis

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Physics of living systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
What role do mechanical forces play in morphogenesis? Can we describe a growing multi-cellular tissue, in which the coupling between mechanics, chemistry and biology is permanent, as a lowing "complex luid"? What would be the `rheology’ of such a medium? These questions are currently central to developmental biology and health applications, but also pose major challenges for physics and engineering. The aim of this project is to tackle these questions using a biomimetic approach, based on the skills in rheology and modeling of complex luids and living environments present at IUSTI and IRPHE.
Simon Gsell
Laboratory : IRPHE - UMR7342
Team : milieu vivant systemes biologiques
Team Website
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Intracellular Nanorheology with molecular rotors; Application to red blood cell pathologies


Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Join our research project at the interface of physics, biology and clinical practice, studying pathologies that affect the deformability of red blood cells.
Berengere ABOU
Laboratory : MSC - UMR 7057
Team : MSC: Dynamique des Systèmes Hors Equilibres.
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How to maintain the two essential functions of insects in a changing climate? Microrheology and chemistry of cuticular hydrocarbons in ants


Type of internship
In this project, we will study the relationship between the rheology and chemical composition of cuticular hydrocarbons in ants, under acclimatisation conditions. This exciting project, which spans physics, chemistry and biology, takes place at Laboratoire Matière et Systèmes Complexes (MSC), located in Paris 13e. It will be carried out in international and interdisciplinary collaboration with the Institute of Organic and Molecular Evolution. A short-term internship at the University of Mainz (Germany), for chemical and behavioural analyses, is possible.
Berengere ABOU
Laboratory : MSC - UMR 7057
Team : MSC: Dynamique des Systèmes Hors Equilibres.
Team Website
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Energy-space sub-diffusion in driven disordered Bose gases
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
During this M2 internship, we propose to study theoretically and numerically the dynamics of Bose gases subjected to both an oscillating driving force and a spatially disordered potential. This scenario, recently realized experimentally, gives rise to an original mechanism of sub-diffusion in energy space, whose quantitative description for realistic models of disorder remains to establish. This is the task that will be accomplished during this internship. More generally, this internship will be an opportunity to become familiar with the modern research fields of non-equilibrium quantum physics and ultracold Bose gases.
Nicolas Cherroret

Laboratory : LKB - UMR8552
Team : Théorie Quantique, Atomes et Champs
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Dynamic shape-morphing control via fluid structure interaction.

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
In Nature, living materials are constantly evolving and adapting their shape to the environment, a feat that is lacking in engineered materials. To achieve this, differential growth within the tissues is key, as it induces mechanical stresses and thus the buckling in a rich variety of shapes. Over the last decade, emerging approaches have embraced this paradigm to develop bioinspired synthetic responsive materials (to external stimuli, such as, temperature, magnetic field, pressure) with in-plane distortions, and hence shape-morphing capabilities. However, despite rapid developments, current efforts primarily focus on programming the final equilibrium shape, overlooking both the dynamical trajectory of the transformation and the mechanics of the morphed structure. As a result, exciting biomedical applications perspective in minimally invasive surgery, rehabilitation and soft robotics remain so far beyond reach. In this internship, you will develop 3D-printed soft architected structures containing a network of interconnected cavities. By controlling the flow and the pressure distribution within the soft architected structure, the aim will be to characterize and then rationalize the fluid structure interaction at play to program the shape changes in space and time. The internship can be followed by a PhD grant funded by the ERC Starting Grant DynaMorph.
Emmanuel SIEFERT

Laboratory : LIPHy - UMR5588
Team : LIPhy Grenoble, équipe MOVE
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Gravitational collapse of a granular column reinforced with fibres

Soft matter
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Introducing a small amount of flexible fibres into a granular medium is known to significantly increase the mechanical strength of the material. However, little is known about the flowing behaviour of grain/fibre mixtures. The aim of this internship is to study the effect of the addition of fibres on the flow behaviour of a granular column collapsing under the effect of gravity. We will quantify the collapse dynamics of the column and the final shape of the deposit as a function of the volume fraction of the fibres, their aspect ratio and their flexibility
Baptiste Darbois Texier

Laboratory : FAST - UMR 7608
Team : Fast : Granulaires et Suspensions
Team Website
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Study of the photophysics of phototransformable fluorescent proteins for improved super-resolution microscopy

Physics of living systems
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
We have recently demonstrated the significant benefits of event-based sensors in single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) super-resolution imaging. Surpassing the performance of traditional scientific cameras, these sensors expand the horizons of temporal resolution in SMLM. Event-based sensors, inspired by the human eye, are characterized by their asynchronous and independent pixels, which detect changes in brightness with high temporal precision. Thus, the EveSMLM technique (event-based SMLM) notably allows for capturing detailed profiles of intensity fluctuations and blinking of each observed molecule. This internship focuses on exploring the EveSMLM technique for studying the photophysics of photoconvertible fluorescent proteins.
Ignacio Izeddin
Laboratory : Institut Langevin - UMR7587
Team : Imagerie pour la biologie et la santé
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Bringing a cold-atom interferometer to the quantum noise detection limit

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Cold atom inertial sensors have many applications in fundamental physics (testing the laws of gravitation, gravitational astronomy), geosciences (measuring the Earth's gravity field or rotation) and inertial navigation. The operation of these sensors is based on atomic interferometry, taking advantage of superpositions between quantum states of different momentum in an atom, generated by optical transitions with two (or more) photons. To broaden their range of applications, it is necessary to constantly push back their performance in terms of sensitivity, stability, precision, dynamic range, compactness or robustness, ease of use and cost. The aim of this Master project will be to study and improve our state-of-the-art SYRTE's cold atom gyroscope by one order of magnitude compared with the current state of the art to reach the interferometer's detection limit, which is intrinsically linked to quantum projection noise. It will use new methods like successive joint measurements without dead time. Obtaining this regime requires some modifications to the existing experiment, in particular to the Raman lasers used to manipulate the atomic wave packet, but also to the preparation and the detection of the atomic samples. This method is very general and could also be applied to more common three-pulse interferometers such as accelerometers and gravimeters.
Arnaud Landragin
Laboratory : SYRTE - 8630
Team : Atom Interferometry and Inertial Sensors
Team Website
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Connecting dark matter and galaxies with machine learning.

Nuclear physics and Nuclear astrophysics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Event Dark matter (DM) is the greatest unsolved mysteries in cosmology and physics, and mostly hidden from the current observations. The DM distribution can be inferred from observed galaxy distributions, but their relation is complex. To learn the spatial correlation between DM and galaxies, we combine hydrodynamic simulations and machine learning techniques. Hydrodynamic simulations can predict the spatial correlation between DM and galaxies, which can be learned by state-of-the-art machine learning technique. This project aims to reveal the DM distribution in the real Universe using the current observation of galaxies
Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
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Machine Learning Event Reconstruction in Neutrino Physics

High energy physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Event reconstruction algorithms are used to infer the particle properties, such as energy and direction, based on the photosensor information. Traditional likelihood-based algorithms use several approximations in the modeling of the detector that limit its accuracy and speed, which must be improved for Hyper-K. Several algorithms (DNNs; ResNet CNN, GNN, PointNet, UNet) have been adapted to our particular data format and need to be applied to real physics data. Two positions are available for this project: a) application to CERN particle beam data in the Water Cherenkov Test Experiment, b) application to Super-K cosmic ray and atmospheric neutrino data.
Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
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Uncovering new radio-loud active galactic nuclei

Nuclear physics and Nuclear astrophysics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
A fraction of growing supermassive black holes are known to be luminous in radio wavelengths, which are referred to as radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGNs). These radio-loud AGNs are expected to play important roles in the formation of massive galaxies by controlling the growth of galaxies via negative feedback from AGNs. In this topic, we will search for new radio-loud AGNs by combining large datasets in the optical (from Subaru HSC SSP) and radio (from JVLA, etc.) wavelengths, and the physical properties of these galaxies will be investigated via spectral energy distribution modeling
Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
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Statistical Study of Giant Molecular Clouds in Galaxies

Nuclear physics and Nuclear astrophysics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
In this topic, we will utilize extensive imaging spectroscopy datasets of galaxies in the local universe, such as M83, to study a large number of giant molecular clouds (GMCs). GMCs are considered the birthplace of massive stars within galaxies. Our investigation will focus on the physical and chemical properties of GMCs using rich ALMA imaging spectroscopy data sets of various molecular lines to understand the underlying physical processes that govern their evolution. This, in turn, will provide insights into the regulatory mechanisms affecting the overall evolution of galaxies.
Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
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Can modified gravity explain the accelerated expansion of the Universe ?


Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The study of new probes for analyzing modified gravity simulations of the large-scale structure of the Universe. Modified gravity (MG) theories of the type of f(R) gravity can explain the accelerated expansion of the Universe without invoking the cosmological constant. Such models require introducing a new scalar field that naturally predicts rich gravitational effects in a different way from general relativity (GR). These modifications lead to changes in the environment of large-scale structures that could be used to distinguish this model from GR. The goal of this project is to provide critical tools to study modified gravity, and help to answer the key scientific question: Does modified gravity successfully explain the accelerated expansion of the Universe?
Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
Team Website
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Looking for radio signals from the most powerful sources of cosmic particles in the Universe (black holes, neutron stars, …)

High energy physics
Nuclear physics and Nuclear astrophysics

Type of internship
The GRAND (Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection) project aims at detecting ultra-high energy messengers (atomic nuclei, neutrinos, gamma-rays) coming from the most powerful sources in the Universe, with a 200'000 radio antenna array. Two prototypes have been deployed in 2023 in desert areas in China and Argentina, and the first dataset is currently being analyzed. In this internship, the candidate(s) will take part in this exciting phase of pioneering data analysis. Two possible axes of research will be proposed, based on the collected data at both sites or based on simulations, for a prospective study on the China prototype. a) the identification of specific signatures in the radio signals from cosmic particles. This will be used to discriminate efficiently against the background radio noise. b) simulations to assess the performances of a hybrid detector (radio antennas + scintillators) at the China site, to detect cosmic particles
Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
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High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy (neutron stars, black holes)

High energy physics
Nuclear physics and Nuclear astrophysics

Type of internship
The proposed project is a deep follow-up study on the gamma-ray binary LS I +61 303 at GeV energies. It is one of the best studied binary systems at high energies showing a very particular behavior: On top of the orbital period of about one month, it shows a super-orbital modulation of about 4 years in several wavelengths. Since the discovery of this phenomenon at GeV energies, the dataset taken by the satellite Fermi has doubled. We propose to analyze the latest Fermi-LAT dataset on the source, prove or falsify the findings done 10 years ago and perform a deep study on the orbital behavior of the source. These findings will be of great interest for the community.
Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
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Physical properties of distant galaxies via Data from ALMA and James Webb Space Telescopes.


Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
In this topic, we will investigate the physical properties of dust-enshrouded high-redshift galaxies uncovered by recent ALMA and/or JWST observations. We will focus on spatially-resolved properties of galaxies using high-spatial resolution data and energy-balance codes to model the observed spectral energy distributions and understand the roles of cosmic dust in the early universe.
Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
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Development of jet reconstruction ML algorithm for Higgs Bosons factories

High energy physics

Type of internship
iggs factories, including ILC in Japan, are next-generation electron-positron collider projects to explore fundamental questions of the universe. One of the key characteristics of detectors for Higgs factories is highly-granular calorimetry for precise jet measurement. The "particle flow" algorithm to analysis big data from highly-granular sensors is critical for the jet reconstruction, and we are working on improvement of the algorithm using modern deep-learning techniques. The main part of this internship program is a simulation study of the algorithm, including implementing and improving track-cluster matching algorithm, investigation of effect of precise timing measurement, and investigate detector configuration giving maximal performance. Based on intention of the applicant, related hardware studies on silicon sensors and readout electronics of the highly-granular silicon calorimeter can be included
Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
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Search for non-unitarity of the PMNS matrix in the neutrino sector with T2K and Hyper-Kamiokande experiments.

High energy physics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
For the very first time, we now have the possibility of measuring the possible violation of CP symmetry in the lepton sector through the oscillation of neutrinos, and through this, of proposing the very first brick explaining the asymmetry between matter and antimatter that we observe in our current universe. In this perspective, the current T2K experiment, and the future Hyper-Kamiokande, are the experiments best placed to realize this fundamental discovery. However, the parameterization (known as PMNS) currently used in neutrino experiments limits the universality of this discovery, as well as possible physics tests beyond the standard model. This subject proposes to rewrite the neutrino oscillation algorithm used in T2K and Hyper-Kamiokande considering a non-unitarity of the PMNS matrix, then to apply the result to the data collected by T2K since 2011 for the first time. This result will constitute a first physics search beyond the standard model by this method in T2K, as well as obtaining universal results on the violation of CP symmetry.
Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
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Cosmological Constraints from Lyman Alpha Forest using Hybrid Effective Field Theory


Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Using small scale information found in Lyman Alpha Forest data for cosmological analysis is difficult due to uncertainties in the underlying hydrodynamical physics. One possible way to include this uncertainty accurately is using perturbation theory, in particular hybrid effective field theory approaches. In this project, students will test the ability for hybrid effective field theory to capture variations in small scale physics and apply the framework to simulated and/or real data.
Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
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Data Analysis in the Super-Kamiokande Neutrino Experiment

High energy physics

Type of internship
Since their discovery in 1998 (Nobel Prize) we have learnt a lot about the parameters that govern neutrino oscillations, but there are still many questions remaining. Perhaps the most exciting of these is to determine whether neutrino oscillations violate charge-parity symmetry (CPV), and so could potentially explain why we live in a matter-dominated universe. This project involves the analysis of a unique set of photographs captured by a drone underwater in Super-K. Machine learning image segmentation techniques will be explored to accurately identify photosensors in each photo. Then using the photogrammetry technique, the geometry of Super-K can be measured for the first time after being filled with water. The result will be used by physics analysis through the detector Monte Carlo simulation.
Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
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Crystallization of nanomaterials: theory and simulation

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Research overview The formation of a crystal is triggered by the emergence of a nucleation core. Classical nucleation theory (CNT) is widely employed to discuss its nature and its origin. In CNT, the thermodynamically stable phase is always the one that grows first and its size is then driven by the free energy competition between how much it costs to build a liquid-crystal interface and the gain from growing the crystal. Yet, following Ostwald’s rule, another structure may emerge beforehand if it is closer in free energy to the mother phase. Then, structural and also chemical reorganizations happen during the growth. This multi-stage nucleation mechanism already appears in bulk systems but can be amplified in nanocrystal nucleation where surface effects and chemical reactivity are enhanced. For nanoscience to be inspired by the practical applications instead of still being driven by the synthesis possibilities, it is crucial to reach a better understanding of the unique crystallization mechanisms leading to nanocrystals. Simulation project Atomistic simulations will be performed to study crystallization of binary particles. Examples will be taken from well-studied materials including CuZr, NiAl, NaCl, Water... We will investigate the correlation between the thermodynamic conditions and the final nanoparticles. The goal is to ultimately better understand how nucleation theory is affected by downsizing to the nanometric scale.
Julien LAM
Laboratory : UMET - UMR 8207
Team : Plasticité
Team Website
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Machine-learning approaches to model interatomic interactions

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Research overview Materials can be studied using computer simulation which enables one to probe the motion of each constituent atoms and to build correlations between the macroscopic properties and the microscopic behaviors. On the one hand, traditional quantum mechanics methods provides particularly accurate results up to the electronic structure of the material. Yet, the drawback of this method concerns its computational cost which prevents from studying large system sizes and long time scales. On the other hand, effective potentials have been developed to mimic atomic interactions thereby reducing those issues. However, these potentials are often built to reproduce bulk properties of the materials and can hardly be employed to study some specific systems including interfaces and nanomaterials. In this context, a new class of interatomic potentials based on machine-learning algorithms is being developed to retain the accuracy of traditional quantum mechanics methods while being able to run simulations with larger system sizes and longer time scales. Simulation project Using computer simulations, the student will construct a database that should be representative of the different interactions occurring in a specific material. Machine-learning potentials based on the least-angle regression algorithm as well as neural network potentials will be trained and their accuracy will be studied as a function of the size and the complexity of the database.
Julien LAM
Laboratory : UMET - UMR 8207
Team : Plasticité
Team Website
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Deformulation of complex glass-like materials through statistical analysis of Raman spectra

Condensed matter
Statistical physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
This internship proposes to develop an advanced method for analyzing Raman spectra to characterize complex materials, in particular glasses, using machine learning.
Olivier Rivoire
Laboratory : Gulliver - UMR 7083
Team : Gulliver : StatBio
Team Website
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Study of electronic processes in nitride LEDs by electro-emission microscopy

Condensed matter
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Although nitride LEDs are extremely efficient at low indium content (for blue emission) and low current densities, they suffer from drastic drops in efficiency when going out of theses regimes, partly due to an increase of Auger-Meitner processes. The aim of the proposed internship is to quantify Auger-Meitner processes in in operando nitride LEDs, using electro-emission microscopy. In particular, the role of the device microscopic structure will be investigated.
Mylène Sauty
Laboratory : SPEC - UMR 3680
Team : LEPO
Team Website
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Dripping of a honeybee cluster, analogy to a complex fluid

Soft matter
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Collective motion is a fascinating observation where the ensemble of agents can be seen as a single living object that can deform, flow and merge. A wealth of approaches has been developed over the years to model such systems including discrete and continuous strategies. In this new project, we focus on an original system that has barely been studied in the frame of mechanics and not at all in terms of rheology: a honeybee cluster. When a colony divides, the queen bee and thousands of worker bees swarm out of the hive and form a cohesive structure similar to a liquid drop hanging on a wire. The intriguing apparent mechanical properties of bee crowds are reminiscent of cohesive grains, like wet sand. Unlike granular materials, bees are active and cognitive, each agent can intentionally adapt its own movements, in this perspective the system is a promising tool to tackle new questions in the field of cognitive active matter. Based on preliminary experiments, the intern will measure the flowing of living bee clusters through a constriction and try to quantify its physical properties as a living material. This is an interdisciplinary project with interactions with complex fluids physics, numerical modeling, active matter and ethology.
Aurélie Dupont
Laboratory : LIPHy - UMR5588
Team : LIPhy Grenoble, équipe MOVE
Team Website
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Information flow and polymer physics of gene activity

Statistical physics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Our project tackles the fundamental challenge of bridging the diverse temporal and spatial scales of biological development. From the nanoscale molecular interactions that occur in seconds to the formation of millimeter-to-meter-scale tissues over days, nature's complexity is staggering. This project seeks to unveil how information flows from molecular transcription factors to orchestrate tissue formation. This project employs a multidisciplinary approach, combining experimental techniques (quantitative microscopy) with theoretical modeling (polymer and statistical physics). It aims to decode the mechanisms governing the interplay between cellular regulation and tissue development. This research has broad implications for biophysics, developmental biology, and regenerative medicine.
Thomas Gregor

Laboratory : Pasteur - UMR 3738
Team : Physics of Biological Function
Team Website
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Experimental study of the interplay between hydrodynamical and visual interactions in fish schools

Physics of living systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
This project aims to investigate the mechanisms by which fish schools self-organize, focusing on the relative contributions of visual and hydrodynamic interactions. To explore these dynamics, the experimental study will involve placing fish in a controlled flow environment where their interactions can be manipulated and observed under different conditions. By introducing corridors with transparent walls, the natural hydrodynamic interactions will be disrupted, allowing to isolate and examine the role of visual cues in schooling behavior. The intern will be actively involved in designing the experimental setups, maintaining the flow conditions, and analyzing the behavioral data to draw meaningful conclusions about the interplay between visual and hydrodynamic interactions in fish schooling. Our project also implies numerical approaches of the social and hydrodynamical interactions which will allow fruitful discussions between real life and simulations.
Aurélie Dupont
Laboratory : LIPHy - UMR5588
Team : LIPhy Grenoble, équipe MOVE
Team Website
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Inertial quantum sensing based on optomechanical coupling in rare-earth-doped crystals

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
Developing a broadband, high-sensitivity accelerometer operating at cryogenic temperatures is a key challenge in many cutting-edge experimental physics domains, from quantum technologies (including near-field microscopy, quantum memories, etc.) to gravitational wave detection. To realize such a sensor, a promising approach is hybrid optomechanics, which couples quantum and mechanical degrees of freedom in a single physical system. Rare-earth ion-doped crystals, known for their extremely narrow optical transitions at low temperature (~3K), exhibit natural optomechanical coupling through the piezospectroscopic sensitivity of the ion’s energy levels to mechanical stress. These crystals have recently emerged as strong candidates for quantum-enabled, low-temperature accelerometry, and we recently demonstrated continuous optical measurement of cryostat vibrations with such crystals, with an already promising sensitivity and bandwidth [1,2]. However, significant work is needed to obtain an ultra-sensitive, unidirectional and calibrated accelerometer. During this internship, we will investigate the fundamental and technical limitations of the method (in terms of sensitivity and bandwidth in particular), using emulated or real vibrations. Additionally, we aim to extend the operational range to higher temperatures (up to 10K), which will be key for expanding the potential applications of our sensor
Anne Louchet-Chauvet
01 80 96 30 42

Laboratory : Institut Langevin - Ondes et Images - UMR7587
Team : Materials, Resonances, Interfaces
Team Website
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Quantum imaging for sub-shot noise monitoring of optically-levitated nano-particles

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
In optical levitation, a nanoparticle is trapped in vacuum using tightly focused light. The light produces a force akin to a mechanical spring and the system reduces to a simple mass-spring resonator with kHz oscillations. Despite its simplicity, a levitated object provides remarkable interactions between light and its motion that can be harnessed to display quantum properties. In that regard, the particle must be cooled down to its quantum ground state, which requires to monitor its motion with optimal precision. Typically, this is achieved using the classical light produced by a laser. Yet, lasers are intrinsically shot-noise limited, thus making cooling challenging. Recently, some works have emphasized that quantum light can outperform classical light. For instance, entangled photons can serve to suppress shot noise. A photon of the pair images a target (signal), while a second acts as a reference (idler). As shot noise identically affects both photons, it is suppressed from the signal by subtracting the idler. During this internship, the candidate will experimentally harness entangled photons to perform sub-shot noise monitoring of levitated objects. He or she will develop an entangled-photon source, later on deployed on a levitation setup. To characterize the source, the student will visit the team of Pr. Molina in San Sebastian (Spain). Following the internship, he or she will be offered a PhD in cotutelle between Prs. Bachelard and Molina’s teams.
Nicolas Bachelard
Laboratory : Laboratoire Ondes et Matière d'Aquitaine - UMR 5798
Team : Nanophotonics Group
Team Website
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