Internship and thesis proposals
Dissipation and Decoherence in a Quantum System

Condensed matter
Quantum Machines
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
Description What happens to the ground state of a quantum system when we add dissipation? How is the lifetime of excited states affected by dissipation? How is quantum coherence destroyed by dissipation? The student will measure the lifetime and coherence of a bad qubit: a Josephson junction shunted by an on-chip resistance and embedded in a superconducting microwave cavity. The student is expected to aid in the design of devices using microwave simulation software; fabricate samples in a clean room using techniques such as microlithography and electron beam evaporation; cool samples using a cryogen free dilution cryostat; and make sensitive microwave measurements at low temperatures
Çağlar Girit
Laboratory : SPEC - UMR 3680
Team : Quantronics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :