Internship and thesis proposals
Experimental many-body physics with quantum emitters in a photonic lattice

Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
The coupling of one or several quantum emitters to the optical modes of a photonic lattice opens up new opportunities to engineer exotic sources of quantum light and to develop novel types of quantum simulators with long range interactions. It would allow studying strongly correlated phases of light in a lattice. The main goal of this internship is to develop one of the first experimental systems for lattice quantum electrodynamics using molecular quantum emitters. We are currently fabricating an open cavity system with embedded nanocrystals, each with a single quantum emitter. The open cavity is made of two mirrors brought in close proximity (about 1 micron apart) with the use of dedicated piezo actuators. One of the mirrors has been etched using focus ion beam technology to engineer lattices of hemispheric cavities, which define a photonic lattice. The coupling of the quantum emitters to the photonic lattice modes is expected to result in the emergence of non-classical states of light with spread entanglement. The internship will consist in the alignment and characterization of the open cavity with quantum emitters and the study of the temporal dynamics and quantum properties of the light emitted by the emitters in the lattice. We will use a fully developed experimental set-up with a streak camera and photon counters.

Alberto Amo
Laboratory : PhLAM - UMR8523
Team : PhLAM: Dysco
Team Website
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