Internship and thesis proposals
Coarsening of liquid foams made from solid particles

Condensed matter
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Liquid foams play a crucial role in the ecological and energy transition. With their excellent thermal insu-lation properties, they enhance the energy efficiency of buildings and infrastructures, and with their high surface/volume structure they are used in many separation processes to retrieve finely divided materials, in contaminated soils for instance. Additionally, new processes are emerging, leveraging the properties of foams for extracting precious metal particles from recycled electronic devices (urban mining), thus promoting a more sustainable management of resources and urban waste. The presence of solid particles within liquid foams, possibly in high concentration, raises several fundamental questions, the most general one being: can a liquid foam be stabilized using the particles it contains? Indeed, it is well known that simple liquid foam ages through various processes, with coarsening being particularly difficult to counteract: can this be achieved by incorporating particles of a specific concentration and size? This fundamental question forms the main focus of the internship we are offering.

Laboratory : Institut des NanoSciences de Paris - UMR 7588
Team : Chemical Physics and Dynamics of Surfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :