Internship and thesis proposals
Hybrid superconductor-semiconductor for parity protected qubit

Condensed matter

Type of internship
Hybrid Superconductor-Semiconductor (S-Sm) nanostructures are nano-circuits combining superconducting and semiconducting materials. These devices leverage superconductivity, a macroscopic quantum effect providing quantum coherence for qubits, and semiconducting properties that allow carrier control via an electrostatic gate, like in a field-effect transistor (FET). Our research focuses on aluminum-germanium nanostructures fabricated in our cleanroom. Our samples feature a loop with two hybrid nanostructures, and we observed that only even-numbered Cooper pair transport occurs, a key property for parity-protected qubits. The project aims to integrate our hybrid nanostructure into a circuit Quantum ElectroDynamics (cQED) architecture, commonly used in superconducting quantum information. Partnering with CEA-LETI, we utilize advanced flip-chip integration to couple different quantum chips. The final samples will be tested at cryogenic temperatures using advanced DC and microwave setups. As part of the master’s project, you’ll work with a team of 30, including 15 Ph.D. researchers, contributing to sample development, design, theory, and nano-fabrication. You'll also learn cryogenic cooling and advanced DC and RF measurements. This project may evolve into a Ph.D. thesis. [1] Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033281, 2024 [2] arXiv:2405.14695, 2024 [3] npj Quantum Information, 6, 2020
Xavier Jehl
Laboratory : PHELIQS-LATEQS - UMR-E 9002
Team : Lateqs
Team Website
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